sabato 12 giugno 2021

Su bisu miu


E sa noti bisu.
Bisu ki nemus depada essi difendiu, bisu de dizidi po mei atotu, bisu di essi pati de una familia manna, e kandu seus in sa mesa, ki nemus pighidi sa pati mellus, po' da lassai a s'utimu arribau.
Ki nemus tengada cuau prus de su chi di srebidi, ki a nemus manchidi su pani.

Poita bivi kena pentzamentus, lassada su tempus po' pentzai a cumenti andai a innantis, bisu ki isparessanta is industrias mannas, cun interessus piticus.

Bisu sa genti ki arridi, cuntenta de non depi invidiai nemus, iscarexius in kustu universu in kustu xeu ki donada luxi a dogna vida, ominis e animabis e natura, bisu su mundu kena cetidus e gherras, kusta ehja, est luxi bera.

Bisu kultura po' totus, bisu produtzionis kena sudori e kena traballu mannu, bisu ki si sciuscidi a lestru sa pampada maba de is illuminaus, malaita e kena profetu.

Bisu e sonniu naturalidadi, su bentu, su mari, su fogu e su sobi, sonniu ki sa sardinnia camminidi a passu de omini, disincadenada e kena fortzaduras, Bisu ki sa scientzia e su progressiu sianta a tretu de umanidadi.
E candu acabada sa noti, me in su mengianu, me in su sonniu, pentzu ki anta a circai de mi frimmai, fortzis apessi scutu, fortzis impresonau, anta a nai milli fabas a pitzus de mei, e in su mentris ki si atziada su sobi nou, seu iscidau da su cantu luxenti de is pillonis.

And the night I dream
I dream that no one needs to be defended, that no one makes my decisions, I dream of being part of a big family, and when we are at the table no one decides to take possession of the best bite, thus leaving it to the latest arrival.
Let no one have more than the superfluous.
That no one lacks the essentials.
Because living without hassle leaves you time to think about how to progress.
I dream of the disappearance of large globalized industries, with tiny, petty and narrow interests.
I dream of people's smiles printed on their faces, so that no one has the right to envy others, lost in this galaxy that illuminates all life, and the world without contrasts, that is true light.
I dream of culture for everyone, I dream of a job that does not create fatigue, neither physical nor mental.
I dream that the evil flame of the enlightened will go out, unfair, mean, self-centered and unnatural, knowing that the profits that those who insist on keeping it alight will get, will be miserable and illusory, instead of wondering what the world is doing.
I dream of naturalness, without twisted situations, a walk on a human scale, without useless forcing, I dream that science becomes ethical and human.
In the half-sleep of dawn, I think they will oppose me, yes, they will oppose me, erred oppressed and I will be imprisoned, but in the meantime I am hit by a glimmer of light, an increasingly intense light, and finally I am awakened by the bright chirping of the birds.


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