Saturday 5th November 2016
I am super informed
I am interested in European, national, regional, and foreign policy.
I watch a lot of TV, especially cultural and musical programs.
programs, in which obviously there is no trace of politics, but to be
informed about how things are going, I always follow a certain number of
news programs, I especially like insights.
am absolutely not interested in gossip, those are topics for sleeping
people, I never miss the concert on May 1st, all the matches of the
national team, and the president's year-end speech.
I always do my duty every 5 years, going to vote and choosing in a meticulous way who will represent me.
I never desert any referendum.
If all citizens were active like me, Italy would be governed very well.
I do not know what those who say that the Italian republic are a corporation, a private company, these are rumors spread artfully by people who advise not to go to vote, uninformed or uninformed people who say that votes are not useful nothing, they have the nerve to say that if they were of any use, they wouldn't let us vote.
It would seem that they are fine with everything as it is, since they are not interested in political parties, and their strategies.
They do not know that if they are not involved in politics, politics will take care of them anyway, especially now that we are finally more and more within the European community.
I always do my duty every 5 years, going to vote and choosing in a meticulous way who will represent me.
I never desert any referendum.
If all citizens were active like me, Italy would be governed very well.
I do not know what those who say that the Italian republic are a corporation, a private company, these are rumors spread artfully by people who advise not to go to vote, uninformed or uninformed people who say that votes are not useful nothing, they have the nerve to say that if they were of any use, they wouldn't let us vote.
It would seem that they are fine with everything as it is, since they are not interested in political parties, and their strategies.
They do not know that if they are not involved in politics, politics will take care of them anyway, especially now that we are finally more and more within the European community.
find it unbearable people who talk about nothing, all-rounders,
conspiracy theorists, defeatists, populists, nationalists, I would like
the whole world to be united with no states or nations, speak the same
language, use the same currency, I would like people to think everything
in the same way and adopted the same religion.
I am an admirer of science and technology, I always approve the claims of professors, experts, and the television.
I always participate in the meetings of my party and those called by my trade union, I am progressive, pluralist, I cultivate my ideologies and I am proud of them.
This is what active politics is called.
I am a convinced pro-European, they are to tear down walls, level mountains, and build bridges.
I am in favor of migration, it was right to abolish the crime of clandestinity, and to go and take refugees from wars, right to the African coasts, to avoid deaths, those that make the most sense to me are the arguments of vulgar racists.
In the world we are all equal, even if there are people more equal than others.
I always feel uncomfortable in front of people who prefer to deal with issues such as ethnicity, nationalism, self-determination, personal and monetary sovereignty, I'm Italian, and I respect any government, as long as it is democratically elected by all of us.
I discuss with everyone, and I hold the comparison with anyone, because I am super informed, but I cannot stand the reasoning of the conspiracists.
It is the category that makes me mad the most, they say that politicians do not count for anything, that the police defend oligarchies more than people, they say that governments are all illegal, that the currency we use is fake, they even claim that the oligarchies and governments would like to decrease the world population, and if they look closely at this they are right, there are too many on this planet, which we Westerners have depleted, we have always lived well beyond our means, and time to start making sacrifices.
I respect all the rules and laws, if any were clearly wrong, do not worry, there is the parliament we elected that will heal all the distortions.
Regarding judicial auctions and foreclosures, I believe they are right, whoever does not pay taxes, or does not honor debts, must be punished, one must give an example to those who intend to be smart.
Whoever says that he can't live anymore, for economic reasons, is obviously a slacker with no imagination.
A job is always found, and what the heck!
I read a lot, especially books awarded in literary reviews, I see all the films awarded with the Oscars, I deepen the biographies of those who win the nobel prizes, and I follow the singers who are the most popular.
am a citizen who tries his best to make society more equitable, I
support all TV campaigns, environmental groups and non-governmental
organizations, I approve of all humanitarian wars against dictators, we
need to export our democratic system everywhere, to build a better
world, in spite of the defeatist and lazy conspiracy theorists.
A final chapter, and I conclude, I would like to dedicate it to the most unlucky Italians that exist, the Sardinians, and especially to those Sardinians who mistakenly think that separating us from mother Italy, and from aunt Europe, things would be better.
But how can we think that in the presence of globalization and planetary markets, splitting ourselves up, becoming smaller and smaller, is the solution?
I already know how it would end, in the event that these visionaries were able to bring Sardinia to independence, wild emigration, hunger, misery and the new empire of mosquitoes, of nineteenth-century memory, backwardness and end of the jobs that military settlements ensure.
Is it possible that they do not realize that going back is the worst stupid thing that can happen to us?
I would not like to see my people abandon the security that Europe transmits to try to feed themselves on the rest of the planet.
We would become the last nation on earth, the most shabby, and not even the bravest of investors would have the courage to operate in such an absurdly poor land.
A final chapter, and I conclude, I would like to dedicate it to the most unlucky Italians that exist, the Sardinians, and especially to those Sardinians who mistakenly think that separating us from mother Italy, and from aunt Europe, things would be better.
But how can we think that in the presence of globalization and planetary markets, splitting ourselves up, becoming smaller and smaller, is the solution?
I already know how it would end, in the event that these visionaries were able to bring Sardinia to independence, wild emigration, hunger, misery and the new empire of mosquitoes, of nineteenth-century memory, backwardness and end of the jobs that military settlements ensure.
Is it possible that they do not realize that going back is the worst stupid thing that can happen to us?
I would not like to see my people abandon the security that Europe transmits to try to feed themselves on the rest of the planet.
We would become the last nation on earth, the most shabby, and not even the bravest of investors would have the courage to operate in such an absurdly poor land.
Ogni mattina acquisto i miei bravi quotidiani sia di destra che di sinistra, perchè è giusto sentire tutti i punti di vista.
Mi interesso di politica europea, nazionale, regionale, e di politica estera.
Guardo molta tv, soprattutto programmi culturali, musicali e di intrattenimento, nei quali evidentemente non esiste traccia di politica, ma per essere informato su come vanno le cose, seguo sempre un certo numero di telegiornali, mi piacciono soprattutto gli approfondimenti.
Non mi interesso assolutamente di gossip, quelli sono argomenti per gente addormentata, non perdo mai il concerto del primo maggio, tutte le partite della nazionale, e il discorso di fine anno del presidente.
Faccio sempre il mio dovere ogni 5 anni, andando a votare, e scegliendo in maniera puntigliosa, chi mi rappresenterà.
Non diserto mai nessun referendum.
Se tutti i cittadini fossero attivi come me, l'italia sarebbe governata egregiamente.
Non so cosa abbiano in testa coloro che affermano che la repubblica italiana, è una corporation, una società privata, queste sono voci diffuse ad arte da gente che consiglia di non andare a votare, gente disinformata o disinformatrice che afferma che le votazioni non servono a niente, hanno la sfacciataggine di dire che se servissero a qualcosa, non ci farebbero votare.
Sembrerebbe che a loro vada bene tutto così come è, dato che non si interessano di partiti politici, e delle loro strategie.
Partecipo sempre alle riunioni del mio partito e a quelle indette dal mio sindacato, sono di sinistra e me ne vanto.
Questo è quello che si dice fare politica attiva.
Sono un europeista convinto, sono per abbattere i muri, spianare i monti, e costruire ponti.
Sono favorevole alle migrazioni, è stato giusto abolire il reato di clandestinità, e andare a prendere i profughi delle guerre, fin nelle coste africane, per evitare morti, quelli che mi fanno più senso sono i ragionamenti dei beceri razzisti.
Al mondo siamo tutti uguali, anche se esiste gente più uguale degli altri.
Discuto con tutti, e reggo con chiunque il confronto, perchè sono super informato, ma non sopporto i ragionamenti dei cospirazionisti.
Rispetto tutte le regole e le leggi, se qualcuna fosse palesemente sbagliata, niente paura, c'è il parlamento da noi eletto che sanerà tutte le storture.
Riguardo alle aste giudiziarie e i pignoramenti, ritengo che siano giusti, chi non paga le imposte, o non onora i debiti, deve essere punito, bisogna pur dare l'esempio a chi avesse intenzione di fare il furbo.
Chi dice che non ce la fa più a vivere, per motivi economici, evidentemente è uno scansafatiche senza fantasia.
Un lavoro si trova sempre, e che diamine!
Sono un cittadino che cerca di fare del suo meglio perchè la società diventi più equa, sostengo tutte le campagne televisive, i gruppi ecologisti e le organizzazioni non governative, approvo tutte le guerre umanitarie contro i dittatori, bisogna esportare il nostro sistema democratico dappertutto, per costruire un mondo migliore, in barba ai complottisti disfattisti e infingardi.
Un ultimo capitoletto, e concludo, lo vorrei dedicare agli italiani più sfigati che esistono, i sardi, e specialmente a quei sardi che pensano erroneamente che separandoci da mamma italia, e da zia europa, le cose andrebbero meglio.
Ma come si può pensare che in presenza di globalizzazione e mercati planetari, frazionarci, diventare sempre più piccoli, sia la soluzione?
So già come andrebbe a finire, nel caso in cui questi visionari riuscissero a portare la sardegna all'indipendenza, emigrazione selvaggia, fame, miseria e il nuovo impero delle zanzare, di ottocentesca memoria, arretratezza e fine dei posti di lavoro che gli insediamenti militari assicurano.
Possibile che costoro non si accorgano che tornare indietro è la stupidaggine peggiore che possa capitarci?
Non vorrei vedere il mio popolo, abbandonare la sicurezza che l'europa trasmette, per cercare di che sfamarsi nel resto del pianeta.
Diventeremmo l'ultima nazione della terra, la più scalcinata, e nemmeno il più coraggioso degli investitori avrebbe il coraggio di operare in una terra così assurdamente povera.
Per scherzo o per giocare > marianoabis
Per scherzo o per giocare > marianoabis
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